
Reimagining your workplace

When rapidly changing economic or consumer trends hit a business’s bottom line, they might need to reimagine their business plan as well as their workplace. Businesses may find themselves wrestling with questions like: What is the role of the physical space my business occupies – to make things, sell things, provide a place for individual…

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How bundling benefits helps your business and your employees

In today’s tight workforce market, bundled benefits can help both businesses and employees. Employees appreciate more flexibility and greater freedom of choice in health, retirement and other benefits. Businesses enjoy the efficiencies of consolidating the services, especially with Alerus professionals who also understand a client’s business goals and challenges. “We’re helping more small businesses harness…

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Business email fraud is on the rise

Business email fraud, also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC), is on the rise across the country. One of the best ways to protect your business is to educate yourself and your employees. Unlike other cyber-attacks, these types of fraudster emails don’t contain malware or malicious URLs. Instead, they take advantage of social engineering.

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Financial wellness in the workplace

As more and more business owners offer retirement and health care benefits for their employees, the question is: What else can I do? This isn’t purely altruistic: while employers do want to help improve employee wellness, benefits are also critical to a company’s success.

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Finding financing that fits your business

For smaller businesses, debt sometimes gets a bad rap. But for many businesses, access to business line of credit may not only be necessary, but a smart move. Knowing how to select the right financing and manage it wisely can help a successful small business become a larger successful business more than managing everything on…

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Managing risk for business owners

People often associate “risk” with big things, like a fire, accident, or major theft. But managing risk can be more subtle, like rising raw material prices or a slow sales period. And what about the risk of losing your top salesperson or your most experienced technician?  

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