My Alerus uses your most current financial data to help you reach your next milestone and improve your overall financial health.
About My AlerusLisa Bortnem-Wiser
Managing Partner, MidStates Wireless
Hal Gershman
Owner, Happy Harry’s Bottle Shop
Learn more about Hal's experience
Jon Kirkhoff
Principal, JTH Lighting
Alerus Wealth Management provides products and services through Alerus Financial, N.A. (Alerus). Registered representatives of Alerus Securities may offer insurance and investment products through Osaic Institutions, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. Alerus Securities is a trade name of Alerus. Osaic and Alerus are not affiliated.
Investment and insurance products are:
Deposit products offered by Alerus Financial, N.A. Member FDIC.
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is based on the annual compounding of interest. Effective as of 8.28.24 and is subject to change without notice. Required opening minimum deposit of $5,000. Qualifying deposits are maturing certificates (CD) or external funds (money not in any type of Alerus account). Internal deposits from a checking, savings, or money market may be used if matched with equal external funds. IRA dollars, Alerus Flex CD dollars or CDs from non-maturing deposits do not qualify. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. Penalty for early withdrawal.