Text Banking

Stay on top of your account with text commands.

Text banking is simple and lets you securely request information about your accounts. Text 51914 and use the following commands to start:

Text CommandDescription
BALBalance on primary checking or savings account.
BAL + "Text Nickname"(ex. BAL CHK1) Balance on checking account named CHK1.
NICKLIst of all account nicknames.
HELPList of all commands.
STOPUnsubscribe from text banking.
HISTHistory of last 5 transactions on primary account.
HIST + "Text Nickname"(ex. HIST SV2) History of savings account nicknamed SV2.
MORE (works with history only)Shows 5 more transactions. Text "More" again for 5 more and so on until there are no additional transactions.
TRAN + "To" + "From" + "$ Amt"(ex. TRAN CHK1 SV2 100) Transfers $100 from nicknamed checking to nicknamed savings account. You will receive a text that the transfer was successfull.