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Your accounts, just a text away.

Get the information you need, when you want it – no app or login required.

Text banking is simple and lets you securely request information about your accounts. Text 51914 and use the following commands to start:

Text CommandDescription
BALBalance on primary checking or savings account.
BAL + “Text Nickname”(ex. BAL CHK1) Balance on checking account named CHK1.
NICKLIst of all account nicknames.
HELPList of all commands.
STOPUnsubscribe from text banking.
HISTHistory of last 5 transactions on primary account.
HIST + “Text Nickname”(ex. HIST SV2) History of savings account nicknamed SV2.
MORE (works with history only)Shows 5 more transactions. Text “More” again for 5 more and so on until there are no additional transactions.
TRAN + “To” + “From” + “$ Amt”(ex. TRAN CHK1 SV2 100) Transfers $100 from nicknamed checking to nicknamed savings account. You will receive a text that the transfer was successfull.